Chile: the First Two Videos

With everything that’s been going on here, I haven’t had a lot of time to blog, and I still haven’t finished putting all the Chile photos together. But I have done two, so I thought I’d put them up now and do the other two next week.

I know these would be better if they had background music, but if I take time to figure that out it will be Christmas by the time I get the up. So, in silent movie mode, here they are — enjoy.

6 thoughts on “Chile: the First Two Videos

    • Yes, I kind of like this one myself. Reminds me of my misspent youth when I used to go to Plymouth on vacation — lot of sailors in little white hats!

  1. A great and v honest synopsis of your trip! I felt as if I was there on that thingy coming down the mountain, hermoso! I hope you parked up the ship before partaking of alcohol . A pie-eyed Captain Bird’s Eye could be fatal on the high seas hahha!

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