
While I was back in Canada for six months last year, I sketched only once, while I was visiting my friend Lynda in Quebec. I’ve been hoping I would be inspired to start again now that I’m back in Argentina.

Well, last week in Chile I did do a couple of sketches on the spot, although some of the things I would like to have sketched were during walking tours when I didn’t have time. I don’t like sketching from photographs, as I lose much of the sensory experience, but in this case I didn’t have much choice. I haven’t made those sketches yet, but I will soon.

In the meantime, I took my sketchbook on Sunday afternoon and ended up doing this little doodle in La Biela, my favourite people watching cafe.

I had a couple of client deadlines to meet in the past few days, but now that they are done I will be able to spend some time putting together the Chile videos — coming soon.


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