My First Week

A week ago today I arrived in my new home, and a busy week it has been. Not too many exciting things to report on the blog though, but more just settling in stuff and reconnecting with friends.

I did post about my deserted street, which was that way because of the G20 summit going on here this week. Many of my friends hunkered down or “got out of Dodge”, but I just pretty much carried on as usual. It was weird though.

If you know me well, you know I haven’t watched television for years. I decided to switch on and see the G20 coverage, which I did for a few hours yesterday. I saw all the dignitaries arriving, some staying at the Alvear Palace hotel down the road, which was the reason for so much of my neighbourhood being cordoned off. I have to say that with the miserable faces of Trump and Putin, our smiling Justin was a pleasant contrast! I think I will start watching the news on television, as it will be good for my Spanish.

Last night there were helicopters flying overhead until quite late, so I think most of them have left. At least the intersection was open again this morning when I went for my early morning walk, although the cafe I chose is quite near the hotel and it was still pretty deserted. I’m sure all the local businesses will be glad when this is all finally over.

It’s hard to believe this is December 1. With all the preparations for leaving back in Toronto, I forgot it was getting close to Christmas, and of course it’s summer here (although not really very hot yet) and not what I think of as Christmassy. But the “Felices Fiestas” signs are being to appear in shop windows and I’ll soon have to do some Christmas shopping!


2 thoughts on “My First Week

  1. Christmas music, decorations and shopping everywhere here. Snow comes and goes, leaves blow, and we just put up our (yes, we have succumbed) new artificial tree. So, maybe one less tree cut down. Enjoy your summer!

    • Decorations are popping up here too, but not in the overwhelming way I’m used to. Even after three summer Christmases, I’m still not used to them!

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