Settling In

It’s only four days since I arrived, and I haven’t stopped! Between walking around the ‘hood, eating in familiar places and seeing friends, I’ve hardly had time to draw a breath.

Today I spent some time at Venetia’s place as we planned our trip to Chile in January. We had thought of including a couple of days on Easter Island, but honestly the cost was just too much for the few days we could manage, so we dropped that plan. But we will be doing a winery tour — Chilean wines are lovely — as well as a day trip to Valparaiso. More on that as the time draws near, but for now we at least have our flights booked.

The city is preparing to be pretty much shut down over the next few days as we host the G20 summit. Transportation will be drastically reduced or shut down altogether; certain areas of the city will be so tight you won’t be able to get in or out, etc. Venetia and Viviana are “getting out of Dodge” — they asked me to join them but it’s a bit soon for me. I’m going to take the chance to buckle down and get some work done for my very patient clients! My friend Gary made an interesting observation. The G20 is a gathering of countries with the top economies in the world. That definitely doesn’t include Argentina, yet they are pretty much shutting down the Argentine economy for three days for the party. I’m not sure what Argentina will get out of it all, but hopefully it will be something good. I remember the chaos it created in Toronto, and I think everyone here will be glad when it’s over.

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