The time has come …

Today was the last day of A5, my 5th sojourn in Argentina. Hard to believe it’s almost half a year since I arrived, it has gone by so blindingly fast.

Last night I went with six of my best friends to our favourite restaurant, La Gran Parilla in San Telmo. That’s our traditional place for birthdays and despedidas — farewell parties. This time I had both! I have a milestone birthday coming up on May 13, so they made it a double event. It was lovely. Juicy Argentine beef and good friends — what more could you ask?



A few weeks ago I wrote about trying a new art form called acrylic pouring. Well, I had so much fun with it that I decided to make one for each of my friends. Here they are on my bookshelf before I gave them out. I think I’ll continue with this in Toronto as it was so much fun.


On Monday my friend Lola and I went to a milonga. It was great. We both danced lots, with really good dancers. Here’s a photo of one of my partners, Carlos. He was a great tanguero and I hope to dance with him again in A6.

After last night’s party, I spent most of today by myself. I did have breakfast with Venetia, and my last tango lesson of A5 with Alejandro, but after that I just chilled by myself. I had empanadas at El Sanjuanino (best in the city), and then went to La Biela, where I had their decadent apple crepe with a glass of white wine. Just to round things off, I went for a stroll around the area afterwards, and took a shot of the lovely Nuestra Señora del Pilar church. Then home to finish packing — oh joy!

So tomorrow Cecilia is picking me up at 8.30 am to go to the airport. I am having four days in Panama on my way back to Toronto. It might help, but honestly, every year it gets harder to leave my beautiful Buenos Aires. Has the time come for me to just move down here and become a real expat? Hmmm.

I will post again from Panama.

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