Afternoon Milonga

I’ve never done this before, but today I went to an afternoon milonga — and I really enjoyed it. The place is called El Beso, and it had been recommended to me by a couple of people, so today I decided to give it a try. It started at 1.30 pm and went on until 8 pm, although I actually left around 5 pm.

The first man I danced with was French Canadian, and the second was Scottish! But both danced tango well, so that was OK. Actually, the Scottish man was on vacation here with his wife, and I spent a nice time with them explaining some things about the Buenos Aires milonga scene they didn’t know. It was fun.

I have to say that coming out of the milonga into the light of day was a bit strange — kind of like going to a matinee at the movies, I guess. But most of the people there were of my vintage, and I rather enjoyed that. I’m going to go back next Saturday and hopefully my friend Lola will come too.

Tango on!

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