Gifts of the Heart

Many years ago I wrote this article for the newsletter I published at that time. It was so popular that I’ve reproduced it in many places over the years at this time of year. It has nothing to do with Argentina, but this is the best place I have to share it with you, so I hope you enjoy it. I call it “Gifts of the Heart”.


The stores are gearing up, shoppers are shopping, there’s music in the air and the
cash registers are making their own music. Despite the pleasure of buying and
giving gifts, sometimes the process gets out of hand and the January credit card
bills bring us back to reality with a crash. But there are gifts we can give over
and over throughout the year, gifts that cost no money at all.

The gift of understanding

The basis of good communication is understanding, both at work and in our personal lives. When someone is explaining a problem or a difficult situation, sometimes a simple “I understand” is the gift that helps that person begin to find the answer.

The gift of respect

Often we give total strangers more respect than we offer our nearest and dearest. When you truly listen to another point of view and realize that the other person’s opinion is just as valid as yours, you offer a gift that helps build his or her self-esteem.

The gift of humour

Sometimes we take ourselves much too seriously, particularly at work. By all means take your work seriously, but when it comes to human interaction, lighten up! When you take a moment to share a joke or a laugh with a co-worker or a friend, you give a gift that lifts the spirits.

The gift of conversation

In this age of mass entertainment, television and video games are increasingly usurping the place of good old fashioned conversation. By entering into meaningful discussions with people, you give a gift that honours their humanity.

The gift of time

We live in times of frenetic activity, in which quality time with family and friends often becomes a casualty of misplaced priorities. By making time to be with people, you offer a gift that lets them know they are important to you.

The gift of friendship

There’s an old saying that you can’t choose your relatives but you can choose your friends. By choosing to be a friend, you give a gift that lasts a lifetime — and there’s no law that says you can’t be a friend to your family too.

The gift of a smile

A smile doesn’t exist until you give it away. By smiling at people throughout your days, you offer a gift that lifts your heart as well as theirs.

My December holiday is Christmas, and I will be offering again the age old prayer for Peace on Earth, one that is especially poignant given the current state of our world. Whatever holiday you will be celebrating, may you give and receive all these gifts of the heart, both now and throughout the coming year.

My best wishes to you and yours!

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