I’m here – I’m really here!

And it feels as if I’ve never been away!

I arrived early yesterday morning. My friend Cecilia (who features in many of the ‘aventuras’ in my book) picked me up and took me to her house, where I had a few hours sleep and a welcome shower — it’s a long trip from Toronto.


By 3 pm we

“Yuletide carols being sung by a choir”

Always seems funny to see Santa in the summer weather!

were at the annual Christmas garden party at the British Embassy. It’s not actually as posh as it sounds — more of a glorified artesan fair really. But I met several of my friends there and it was lovely to be greeted so warmly.

I thought I would have an early night, but no. Cecilia informed me we had been invited to the birthday party of one of her friends, so off we went there at 10.30 pm. All Argentines, all Spanish speaking. I don’t know if my Spanish is better or worse, but it’s certainly faster!

So two parties in one day. I wonder if that’s a sign of things to come. I certainly hope so!

I’m at Cecilia’s house until Thursday, when we go off to Salta for another adventure, so I’ll post again then — unless there’s something fun in the meantime, which has been known to happen.

Soon I will put a sign-up form here so that you can sign up for updates.

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