Only 6 more sleeps!

I’m like the kids, counting sleeps before I leave for Argentina! It has been pretty busy for me in recent days, as I have rented my apartment for the time I’m away. I’ve never done this before, although people have been suggesting it for some time.

I’m happy it’s done, but it has caused me a lot of extra work because all my cupboards and drawers have to be emptied so that the tenants can put their things away. I’ve been trudging up and down to my locker with boxes — many boxes! I’ve taken the chance to purge as well, so I’ve been wearing a path to the Salvation Army — with more boxes and bags!

A funny thing happened yesterday. I had emptied a small wooden file cabinet, one of the ones with one deep file drawer and two shallow drawers above. I was taking it down to put it outside behind the building for whoever wanted it. When I got into the elevator there was a young woman there, coat and hat on and obviously going out. Conversation:

Me: Want a filing cabinet?

Her: That one?

Me: Yes

Her: Sure, I’ll take it! There was a white one outside the other day but by the time I got down to get it, it was gone.

Me: That was mine too, but it had no wheels. This one’s better as it  has wheels. Want it now?

Her: Sure. I was going out, but I’ll take it upstairs first.


I look forward to getting back to blogging regularly when I get to Argentina. I’m also going to put a sign-up form for those who want to be advised when I put a post up. I’ll try to get that done before I leave — if I can get some time away from all these boxes!

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