A5 starts in just 5 weeks!

Five weeks today I’ll be back in Buenos Aires — yayyyyyyy!!

I’m into heavy planning mode now. I have lists of things I want to take with me that I missed last time. For example, as most Latin women have great thick hair, they don’t need the volumising hair products I use and so it’s almost impossible to find styling mousse or my favourite shampoo. I have to take those with me.

As I have to pay my Buenos Aires rent in U.S. dollars, in cash, I’ve been gradually buying up greenbacks. Now I have enough, so I don’t need any more American money. I’ll buy some Pesos to get me started. I usually get my pesos from the ATM, directly out of my Canadian bank account. Only problem is, it’s kind of expensive because of the low withdrawal rates and the high charges, so I like to get a good supply to start. That’s also a tip for you if you’re thinking of coming down for vacation.

This year, for the first time, I’m considering renting my Toronto apartment while I’m in Argentina. When I look around and see all the decluttering I’ll need to do, it makes me feel faint. But I think it will be worth it.

Tonight I’m going to one of Toronto’s many milongas to dance tango — have to get in practice for Buenos Aires!

Now that my new book is out, I have lots of new ideas and plans around the book, its stories and Argentina in general. One of those ideas is to develop this blog into more of a site with “all things Argentine”. If you’re interested in Argentina, stay tuned.

Here’s the cover of the book. Like it? It’s now available in both print and ebook editions at most online bookstores. Click on the image to learn more.



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