Buenos Aires’ World Famous Opera House

There’s a wonderful theatre here called the Teatro Colon. I took a tour of it last time I was here, but my friend Jo-Anne is an opera fan and was very keen to see it, so I did it again. I was still filled with wonder the second time around!

It’s a magnificent theatre, with lots of gold and plush velvet in the old style. The ceiling is a work of art all by itself, and Jo-Anne nearly fell over the balcony rail trying to get a photo of it!

But the main feature of the Colon is its world famous acoustics, which are 100% natural. There is not a single microphone in the place, and the ‘sound system’ is all created through the  use of wood and materials that spread the sound throughout the place. Apparently Pavarotti said the only thing wrong with the Colon is that the acoustics are perfect — no hiding any mistakes!

Here is a selection of photos I took during the tour. I would dearly love to see a ballet there, but it’s not the season. Maybe one day I’ll be here at the right time.

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