Tango Street Party!

Last Saturday night I went with three women friends to a lovely event in downtown Buenos Aires.

It was called La Gran Milonga. The word milonga means both a particular style of tango and the place where people go to dance tango. This event is held every year at this time and I was happy my friend Venetia let me know about it.

To add to the enjoyment of the evening, I met Linda Clair Puig, a woman I met online a year or so ago as I am on her list and had bought her course on how to travel with your business (great course by the way.) She is in Buenos Aires for six weeks or so, and she had her friend Kim visiting from New York. Venetia invited us for snacks and wine, and then we all walked together down to the venue.

It was all along a very well known street called Avenida de Mayo, where they had set up stages at either end and in the middle (it’s not a long street). Each stage was doing a separate show, with music and professional dancers. They were all lovely, but the best bit of all was watching ordinary people dancing tango in the street! I’ve posted a video on YouTube and I’ll give you the link, but I just realized I missed the best clips of people dancing, so I’m going to upload that one as well so you can see what I mean.

The last clip on this video is of a young couple who were among the first to start dancing, and I thought they were lovely. Tell me what you think.

Here’s the second one, which really shows the vibe of the event.

Anyway, it was a great event, and has given me more of a taste for tango than ever!


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