I can’t believe I went bowling!

Last week Sally and Lola had birthdays one day after the other, and they decided they wanted to do something different instead of the usual going out to dinner. They chose bowling — that was a surprise! I had never bowled in my life and neither had some of the others, so we knew it would be a laugh — especially for those watching us!

We gathered upstairs first for pizza and wine or beer and a lot of chatting. Shouting actually, as it was very loud in there! Thanks to Vivi for taking the photos.

Then we went downstairs to the bowling alley itself. Somehow I thought somebody had taken a photo or video of me in action, but apparently not as I couldn’t find it.

Much to my surprise, I turned out to be quite good at it and I managed to throw a strike and a couple of near strikes. Of course it might have been beginners’ luck, and since I don’t plan to do it again any time soon, I guess we’ll never know!

3 thoughts on “I can’t believe I went bowling!

  1. And Sally stuck her finger in an electric socket just before going bowling to give her extra energy. Didn’t improve her game, though .lol! What a fun evening.

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