Summer Has Definitely Arrived in Buenos Aires

Well, summer has definitely reached Buenos Aires! Temperatures are in the high twenties, and even thirty for a short time. I hadn’t expected that for a couple of weeks yet, but I’ll take it nevertheless!

I have settled into a work routine, so haven’t been out and about as much during the day. I do, however, continue my habit of taking an early morning walk, as I do in Toronto. I don’t stop for coffee here, but just walk. I’ve been exploring the area and have found new ways to get to familiar places, and new streets I hadn’t been down at all.

I haven’t taken many photographs, or even done any sketching. But one of these days I’ll get in the mood again and start — I’ve found sketching isn’t something you can force, or when I do it never turns out right.

palm-treeYesterday morning on my walk I passed this tall palm tree. I love palm trees, and there is quite a variety of them here. The fun thing about this one this morning was that there was a big flock of green parakeets flying around the top and having a full blown conversation! That put a big smile on my face. I took this photograph later in the day, so you can’t see them. Maybe I’ll be luckier next time.




iron-doorI’ve always been fascinated by doors. I don’t know if it’s the mystery of not knowing what’s behind them, but I always take note of them in my travels. I must say the most beautiful doors I’ve seen anywhere are in Madrid, but Buenos Aires comes a close second. At some point I may do a collection of photos and sketches just of doors, but in the meantime here’s one example. This lovely black wrought iron door isn’t on a special building. It’s just an ordinary apartment building near me. Isn’t it beautiful?



fernetOne thing I’ve started doing in the late afternoon is going out with my notebook and just writing my thoughts and observations on my daily life here. Sometimes I just find a shady seat in the park, and sometimes I find a cafe and have either coffee or a cool drink. On this day I had a very popular drink around here called Fernet, which is always drunk with Coca Cola. It took me a while to try it because I don’t like Coca Cola, but I found that it’s not so bad when it’s spiked with Fernet! Now “Fernet con Coca” is one of my favourite afternoon indulgences.



Last night I went with some friends to a huge tango party — in the street! I have to edit my videos, so I’ll tell you about that next time. Stay tuned!

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