Visit to the Fabrica Colon

When Patti was here from Canada, she and I did the tour of the Teatro Colon, the fabulous theatre that is renowned for its opera and ballet productions. They told us that beneath the theatre there is a huge area where all the costumes are made. That used to be part of the tour, but they realized it was too distracting for the people working there, so they cut it out of the tour.

However, they then went out and purchased a big old warehouse in the barrio of La Boca, which now houses the costumes and sets that have already been used in the threatre, and that is now open to the public. Today, Lina and I went there, and I have to say it took my breath away! I wanted to sketch, but it wasn’t practical as there was no place to sit down, so I took a lot of photos and at some point I will make a sketch of one of them.

In the meantime, I’ll let the photos speak for themselves. What a fantastic place!

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