French Food Fair

Cecilia was in the area this morning, so we got together for a coffee in Le Blé, a cafe across the street from me. We hadn’t seen each other in a while, so we had a nice catch-up.

Then I went to my tango lesson, which was lovely as always.

Next I went to the French Food Fair. Usually there are two of these, one in summer and one in winter. This was the first one since the beginning of the pandemia, so I decided to go. Usually Venetia would go with me to this, but she is in Europe for two months, so I just went on my own. I took the bus straight from my tango lesson and had only a short walk to Plaza Francia, where the fair is held.

It was very cold, as you can see from the photos. But as you can also see from the photos, it didn’t keep people away, and there were still ridiculous lineups for the food. I bought this little selection of cheese intending it to be lunch, but it was too cold to stand around eating it, so I just brought it home and I’m going to have it as a snack in a wee while—with a nice glass of Malbec of course!

I had thought I might sketch, but who was I kidding? Instead, I went to a local cafe I like called Le Moulin de la Flor (strange mixture of languages, I know) for lunch. As I was sitting facing the door, I decided to sketch that instead.

It was an enjoyable day, and now I’m going to have a nice quiet night at home with a good book.

8 thoughts on “French Food Fair

  1. Cheese sounds delicious,,good books a great idea and sketch so inviting!
    We leave for the cottage this Thursday and have no access to a computer there.
    Be back in September. Meanwhile ,may you know many blessings, Pat and John.

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