A Little Disappointing

Well, as I said my post yesterday, I went with Gillian and Sasha to the Mercado Andino (the Andean Market) today, expecting something a little different. It turns out there are two markets, that one and one actually called the Bolivian Market.

The one we saw wasn’t really what I’d call a market, as it was really a number of fruit and vegetable and spice stores along one street. The Bolivian Market looked more like an actual market, but it was closed. In fact, a lot of the stores were closed, which made us realize Sunday was probably not the right day to go.

None of us had any idea what Bolivian food was like, so we went into one place that was full of locals (who are in fact mostly Bolivians) and asked what they would recommend. We ended up with peanut soup and Bolivian empanadas. I quite liked the broth of the soup, and the empanadas were very different from what we are used to. The pastry was kind of sweet, which I didn’t like with the savoury chicken filling, but at the time it was spicy hot. I think I might have liked it with apple filling instead of chicken!

Anyway, since Liniers (the barrio where these markets are) is a good hour’s bus ride away, it was an enjoyable Sunday afternoon out, and something different. And the weather was kind to us, quite a bit warmer than recent days. And it’s always nice to spend time with friends, so I have no complaints—although no plans to go back.

Peanut soup and Bolivian empanadas

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