Legal Tender?

Today I had funny experience. I went to the supermarket to pick up a few things, and when I went to pay I had to have Pesos $2.50 in change. But the cashier didn’t have change, and neither did I. So she asked someone to get some, but when he brought back the coins, there still wasn’t the right change for me.

img_3823So instead of the 50 centavos, I was presented with 2 pesos and these three candies! I just laughed and took them.

But even funnier — I went to the BA Expats coffee chat (a group I used to be part of last time) and when I told them this story they told me it was quite common. In fact, they used to keep candies in the till just in case they didn’t have enough change. Apparently it’s illegal now, but people still do it and nobody minds.

Only in Argentina!

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