Canada Day Fiesta

As I think I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been trying to have a Canada Day party since I came here. The first year I ended up in hospital with pneumonia and had to cancel it, the second year we all ended up in lockdown, so this year I finally did it!

I tied it in with a BAIN wine and tapas night and it was lots of fun. I forgot to take photos of the food, but Gillian made an authentic tourtiere, which was delicious, and both Vivi and Beth brought red and white food! I even got to use the maple leaf napkins I brought with me from Toronto – you’ll see in the photos Vivi holding hers up for all to see. Patti brought some bunting with her and that shows up in the video.

Thanks to Venetia for the photos.

7 thoughts on “Canada Day Fiesta

  1. HI Helen, Wonderful idea!! Delighted you had your Canada Day party! We flew a
    beautiful Canadian flg

    Hi Helen, I am so glad you were able to hold your Canada Day party! You a good ambassadress! We flew our big flag all day and celebrated by having Sonia and Keith Chater for afternoon tea on the deck. Great fun!!
    Warm wishes and keep on doing what you are doing-representing what is best about Canada!


  2. Great party – all the people were great, food and wine and the decorations – a fun evening!

  3. Glad you finally got celebrate🇨🇦, for the first time in a few years, it didn’t rain, so great time for everyone to get outdoors. Your decorations were great, especially the names

    • An English friend of mine recently told me he knew all these people because when he lived in Canada for a few years, people were always pointing out the Canadian celebrities!

    • It didn’t turn out to be a guessing game, as they knew all the people — just not that they were Canadian.

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