First Day Back at Work!

Well, my vacation is officially over and today was my first day back at work. It’s challenging, as there is so much to do out there in Buenos Aires, but I am committed to working on my projects and my client work, so needs must.

Tuesday is usually the day I post to my blog, Communi-keys for Accountants, and I’ve been thinking for quite a while about trying some videos on the blog to see what my readers think. So I have an idea to tie in my Argentina experience with some advice for accountants, so I think I’ll venture out to the park tomorrow morning and see how a selfie video works. I’ll post the link here so you can have a look at it, even if you’re not an accountant.

Tonight I had my first full blown home cooked dinner — pork chop with fried onion and a boiled potato. All washed down with a nice glass of Malbec of course! I’m not used to gas cooking, and personally I always find it tricky cooking in someone else’s kitchen anyway (those who know me well are probably thinking I find it tricky cooking even in my own kitchen!), so I’m glad to have this first one under my belt.

I don’t have any photos for this post, as I haven’t been very diligent in moving them over from my iPhone. I guess I’ll have to make that a mini project and set some time aside to do it. Maybe tomorrow.

Tomorrow late afternoon I’m going to the BA Expats coffee chat, which I used to attend weekly last time I was here. I’ll be interested to see how many familiar faces are still there. I’ve also just signed up for a couple of InterNations events, so I’ll soon be in the swing of it again. Can’t wait!

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