Visit with Cecilia

Cecilia and Patti both said they wanted to meet each other, and we finally got together on Thursday when Patti and I went to Olivos for a visit. They took to each other right away, as I knew they would!

Patti was also delighted to meet Cecilia’s dog, Mora — being a dog person herself, again I knew she would!

After a glass of Malbec at Cecilia’s place, we went along the river a bit to a restaurant called Tribu, which I had been to before when another friend of Cecilia’s was visiting. And since it is right on the river, we went for a stroll afterwards.

Thanks for sending the photos, Cecilia!

One thought on “Visit with Cecilia

  1. I felt like I knew Cecilia like a sister as she’s become Helen’s Argentian family. It was lovely to see inside a house, which is enormous for one person, then travel to the river and have the loveliest of lunches. Felt like a beach house.

    Though their Caesar salad could use a caesar like dressing but still delicious and fabulous company as always.

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