Patti’s First Milonga!

On Monday night Patti came to the milonga with my tango teacher and me. Although she doesn’t dance, she was interested to see what tango is all about.

She took lots of video of Ale and me dancing, but she also managed to capture the old world feel of the milonga itself. She was quite fascinated and said she could see the appeal.

I also had a dance with Carlos, one of my regular partners, and Ale shot some video of that too.

I have to say in the last dance my dress seemed to get shorter and shorter as the dance went on. Ale swears it was nothing to do with him, but hmmmmm…

One thought on “Patti’s First Milonga!

  1. Helen is in her happy place when she dances tango and it’s lovely to see.

    The milonga was a fascinating place to observe people! I have never stared at so many feet in my life, watching how they moved as I have my first tango lesson on Sat.

    I told Helen to tell Ale the tango teacher, that I have 2 left feet. Wish me luck.

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