Patti’s Here – Yayy!

Yesterday my friend Patti arrived from Toronto for a three-week holiday, and I’m so happy to see her here!

Her flight was a little late, but I met her at the airport and came back with her to her rented apartment, which is about a ten-minute walk from me and very nice. She was a bit tired after being “on the road” for 24 hours, so we just went to a place around the corner for dinner – Patti had her first Argentine steak, which made her happy!

I wanted to take a photo for this post, but after her long trip she felt she’d be better staying off camera for a bit! But I’m sure she’ll appear in many photos, as all my girlfriends are anxious to meet her and share our favourite places with her.

Bienvenidos, Patti!

2 thoughts on “Patti’s Here – Yayy!

  1. I have never been so happy to see a familiar face as Helen’s and her friend Cecilia’s huge bouquet of flowers at the exit at the airport in BA!

    What a wonderful welcome! But 24 hours of elapsed time in getting here and sleeping sitting up…. I needed some comfort food, fresh salad and my bed! I slept for over 12 hours.

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