My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. No, I’m not going to say which one. People always tell you it’s just a number, but in my case it’s getting to be a big number!

Anyway, I went out to dinner with seven of my girlfriends. We went to La Gran Carniceria del Plata, which used to be called La Gran Parilla del Plata and was one of our favourite steakhouses to go for celebrations. When it closed during the pandemia we were afraid it wouldn’t open again, but fortunately it has. It is under new ownership, but the new people decided to keep it as close to the way it was as possible while still updating it. They also use the same meat suppliers, which was a great idea.

When the chicas sang Happy Birthday, everybody in the restaurant joined in!

Here are a few photos of the group, as well as me opening my lovely gifts.

2 thoughts on “My Birthday

    • Always a good time at La Gran Parilla. Oops, must start calling it La Gran Carniceria!

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