Vacation over — well almost

Well it’s Saturday, November 26, and my vacation is officially over. Pauline left yesterday, and I will be back at work on Monday. Because I’ve been on vacation, I haven’t been very diligent about posting to the blog, but I will do better now.

The weather has been fantastic — until today! When we arrived it was not quite summer weather, but still warm and sunny. Then last weekend summer suddenly arrived, and it has been HOT and sunny ever since. Today, they were calling for rain and thunder, and we got it!

I’ve spent the morning at home, moving things around in my apartment. I didn’t like any of the knickknacks that were around the place, so I’ve bundled them all into an empty cupboard and put out the few little souvenirs I brought — something from Canada, Portugal, Scotland and Ecuador, as well as my picture of Felix and me. That makes it feel more like home, and I plan to add a few more small things as I go along. I like the apartment very much, although a coat of paint wouldn’t go amiss! (I won’t be doing that!)

Here are a few random photos taken over the past couple of weeks.

felicesfiestasIt’s hard to realize it’s only a month till Christmas when the sun is splitting the trees, but here’s a Happy Holidays message I came across the other day.





jacarandajacarandasketchThe jacaranda trees are beautiful this time of year, and they are lasting quite well. This one looked nice beside its green neighbours, but some of the downtown parks and plazas are even more lovely. This is just around the corner from my apartment — photo and my sketch of the same tree.


evita-family-mausoleumevita-plaqueIn the famous Recoleta cemetery, this is the family mausoleum of Eva Peron, as well as a couple of the plaques dedicated to her personally. It’s easy to find this among all the other, as it always has flowers.

I’ll leave it here for now. Tonight I’m going to a party with Cecilia and her sister. I’ve met these people before and they are all great fun, so I’m looking forward to it.

Hope you enjoy these pictures, and feel free to leave comments.

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