My Second Fileteado Exercise

Some time ago I posted a photo of a small exercise from my class in Fileteado Porteño, and I finally have second and third ones to post.

The first is similar to the first flower one, but with a second blossom added, and finished with a traditional border. The bird was started at class a few weeks ago, but interrupted by my being sick.

Flowers and birds are typical components of this art form. It’s very complex and detailed, not only the shapes but the essential shading that gives it the three dimensional look, but I do enjoy the process.

Here are photos of both of them. Next week I’m starting on another traditional element, the acanthus leaf. Stay tuned.

4 thoughts on “My Second Fileteado Exercise

    • I will post more, Sharon, but it takes a couple of classes to complete each one as they are so detailed.

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