Sorry I’ve Been Absent — I’m Back!

When I haven’t been consistently posting in this blog, I’m often surprised to find how long it has been since my last postl That’s definitely the case now – the last time I posted was about dancing at the milonga without masks, and that was on March 24.

Anyway, the reason I’ve been missing is that I have been sick. At first I thought I had Covid, but a couple of home tests proved that not to be the case. I then decided I had flu, and just took to my bed. By the end of five days of that, with absolutely no improvement, my body told me it was time for action. I was so weak I had trouble standing up.

My two friends Gillian and Venetia took me to Emergency, where I was admitted with pneumonia. Yes, my old nemesis! I don’t know why I didn’t recognize it given this is not my first time. Anyway, I won’t bore you with the details, but they kept me in for five days—they don’t send you home here until you are ready, and in my case the pneumonia had cleared up.

I’ve been home for a couple of weeks now, and I can safely say I’m back to normal. The worst thing about this thing is usually the weakness, and that took several days to get better. But now I don’t have to walk slowly any more, and I can walk reasonable distances with no problem.

And what about tango? Well I’ve been missing it for a month now, and being very disciplined about not rushing back, but I do plan to go to the milonga on Monday night with my friend Lina and our teacher Ale. Can’t wait!

8 thoughts on “Sorry I’ve Been Absent — I’m Back!

  1. So glad to know that you are well and back to your social activities that make you happy.
    And enjoy your tango!

  2. I’m a little late to see this but I’m so glad you’re feeling better Helen! Please do take care of yourself and stay well. 🙂 xo

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