Interesting Photos

Yesterday I had lunch with Laurie, a friend of a Canadian friend. She is currently living in Chile and is here for a short holiday.

Over lunch we were talking about all things Argentina, including tango. She had never seen it and was thinking about going to a show. Now although the shows are lovely, we tango dancers call that “tourist tango” and it’s not the real thing. I was going to the milonga last night and I persuaded her to go there instead – didn’t take much convincing I have to say! She really enjoyed the atmosphere and watching the dancing, and she had an interesting approach to photographing it — just feet in tango shoes! Here are a couple she took of me.

Afterwards, Lina, Laurie and I went to Miramar, one of the old Bares Notables, for another Buenos Aires experience, which we all enjoyed.

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