Goodbye Mendoza

Sunday was our last day, and as our flight wasn’t until 8 pm we had a pretty full day to enjoy. After breakfast we went back to the hotel, checked out and left our cases with them while we went off to enjoy the day. We wanted to make sure we had a good lunch, because we wouldn’t get home until almost midnight and probably wouldn’t have time to eat.

Walking around the beautiful Plaza Independencia once again, we came upon a hop-on-hop-off bus, and decided that would be the perfect way to spend the day. One of the stops was on the street of restaurants where we had had dinner on our first night, so we hopped off there and had a great lunch in La Republica.

Then we continued on the bus trip, and imagine our surprise when we went through Parque San Martin, saw the fountain and headed up to the Gloria again! This time it was a bus negotiating the narrow road high above the city, but it was made less hairy because they’ve made one road to go up and another to come down. We didn’t get out this time, but just stayed on the bus until it came back near our hotel, where we picked up our cases and headed for the airport

I actually wrote this post on the plane, and now it’s Monday morning. I’ve added the photos before posting.

Mendoza is a lovely city, and the surroundings where you find the bodegas are spectacular, so it was a good trip. I also enjoyed my first trip on an airplane since the beginning of the pandemia!

4 thoughts on “Goodbye Mendoza

    • Yes — that’s the first thing everyone thinks of when you say you’re going to Mendoza! But to be fair, it’s also a lovely city in a beautiful setting.

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