Last Post — for Now

Well, the great 2016 Argentina adventure is over. I came home last weekend, and I’m not happy! Actually, I probably feel even worse than I would have done, because I’m sick. Seems to be a recurring pattern for me in recent years, but I’ve come home with a nasty case of bronchitis and I’ve given myself the task this week of getting well. So I’ve done no work, and I’m only doing this because I want to round everything up for those who have been following me through the blog.

I finally stitched the videos together, and here they are.

Christmas in Cuenca.

This is how the good people of Cuenca celebrate Christmas as a community. Lots of fun.


Great souvenir of a night I’ll never forget.


My tango lessons with Alejandro were a highlight of my whole adventure. This little video was shot after I had my last lesson, and I must say I’ve watched it many times already because it instantly transports me back to this place I love so much.

Thank you again for following me through this blog. I hope I managed to convey just a fraction of how much I enjoyed my time in Argentina, and maybe even inspired some of you to put it on your travel list.

I miss you, my beautiful Buenos Aires. I’ll be back just as soon as I can.

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