Wine Tour in Mendoza

Today we had our first wine tour in the Lujan de Cuyo region of Mendoza, and now we are in our hotel room recovering. I had thought of going to a milonga to dance tonight — but who was I kidding?

It was a lovely day. Our tour guide, Flor, was a young woman with a depth of knowledge about wine and all the processes and she was also lots of fun.

We went to four wineries, and had lunch at the third one. We mostly enjoyed the wines, except the last winery of the day, which neither of us liked very much. To be fair, though, we may have just been all wined out by that time!

I took my water colours with me, but there was no time to do a detailed sketch, so I was glad I also took my smaller sketchbook and pens, as I was able to do quick sketches at three of the wineries.

Here’s a selection of images of the day.

4 thoughts on “Wine Tour in Mendoza

    • Yes I am too, Venetia. I’m enjoying having my small sketchbook always at the ready instead of the safari that’s sometimes involved with the big one and all the parapharnalia that goes with it.

    • I thought about our trip to Mendoza a lot while I was there, Susan. One to remember, for sure!

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