Last Day!

Well, it’s ten o’clock at night, and I’ve just come back from dinner at my local restaurant. My packing is almost done, except for the things that can’t be packed until the morning.

I am feeling very sad, as you can imagine. I know I am going to miss Argentina terribly. A friend took me to breakfast the other morning and she asked me why I was going home. I said because my three months are up, and she said, “I know, but you don’t want to go home, so why don’t you just stay here?”

I’m not there, but I have to say it did give me pause.

IMG_3287Anyway, I had my last tango lesson yesterday and I did make a little video. Uploading from here is v-e-r-y slow, so I’m going to wait till I get back to Toronto. Stay tuned. In the meantime, here is a selfie with my lovely tango teacher, Alejandro.




YoniAnd while I’m about it, here is a selfie with Yoni, the young waiter at my local restaurant. Absolutely charming — as are most Argentine men I have met!

When I get home I will post the tango video and do one last post, and I’ll send an email to make sure everyone gets it. I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing my Argentina adventure with you all, and thanks to everyone who has written to say they enjoyed it too.

Hasta luego!

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