The final stretch

It’s Monday morning, and I’m just waiting to leave for a late breakfast with a friend. Sadly, I’m now into the final stretch, and it’s a time of “lasts”.

As I walked around the artisan market on Saturday, it was tempting to buy everything in sight because it was my last opportunity. I resisted, though, having already bought enough to start my own artisan market when I get home!

Yesterday I spent Easter with Cecilia and her family and I couldn’t have been in a better place. There were about fifteen of us, including her family and some friends, and it was a happy, noisy gathering. My Spanish got a workout, and I’m happy to report that I was able to follow most of the conversations even when I wasn’t part of them. Of course my own Spanish improved after copious quantities of Malbec!

I spent some time talking to an elderly lady called Maria, and I was a bit perturbed that I was having trouble understanding her Spanish. Then I found out she was Italian — and just as my Spanish is liberally salted with Portuguese, so was hers with Italian! That is so-oo Buenos Aires!

I’m not working this week, as I want to make the most of these last few days — I’m already plotting next year’s time! I will blog again at least once before I go.

Tomorrow I have my last tango lesson, and I’m hoping to have video — so stay tuned!

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