Imagine Van Gogh

Back in early January, when I found out this event, “Imagine Van Gogh”, was coming to Buenos Aires, I made a big note in my follow-up system because I did NOT want to miss it! Yesterday the day finally arrived and I went with a couple of friends. It did not disappoint.

A couple of my friends saw it in Toronto and I understand it is touring the world, so you may well have seen it too.

I decided not to take photographs, but just to drink it all in and enjoy it in the moment. But just to give you a quick view, I made this short video as I walked in the door. You can see the scale of the images from the people in the foreground. They were constantly changing to represent different stages in Vincent’s life and career, and the music was appropriate for each. The whole thing was wonderful.

Afterwards we went out to the area out back that they were calling the Cafe Van Gogh and had some refereshing lemonade as it was a hot day.

2 thoughts on “Imagine Van Gogh

  1. This was called Immersive Van Gough in Toronto and was fabulous. My only disappointment was that the song Vincent wasn’t played at the end with his self portrait

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