This Week’s Daily Sketches

Top row, left to right: At the Plaza Congreso after my tango lesson yesterday. In the eye doctor’s waiting room — I did this with drops in my eyes, haha. Panic because I hadn’t done my daily sketch, so resorted to this quick one of one of the plants on my balcony. Cliff sings cowboy songs in the plaza. Back to Cafe Bogota. First effort to sketch a night scene, at La Biela. Outside Dos Escudos—the lady I was sketching moved away, but another one sat in her place and I was able to finish. None of the people in my sketches have faces anyway, so it doesn’t matter! Inside Las Delicias, one of my favourite local eating places where, as they used to say about “Cheers”, everybody knows my name!

If you’re beginning to suspect I spend a great deal of my life in eating and drinking places, you could be right! Is this a problem?

8 thoughts on “This Week’s Daily Sketches

  1. Great sketches, you are improving. I love the last ones with people in them.

    I can’t wait to go to ALL these places with you and your chicas.!

  2. My favourite is the cowboy sketch. If you “spend all your time eating and drinking”, it doesn’t show. You must share your secret!

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