Dancing with My Other Tango Teacher

I think I’ve said before that I have two tango teachers. One is Ale, and I’ve published a video with him before. The other is a couple called Beto and Lis. Lis is currently on the disabled list, having broken a foot, so I’m missing my lessons focusing very closely on foot movements. Beto, however, stepped up to the plate and I’m currently have a lesson with him every week.

Ale teaches “tango milonguero“, which is the kind of 3-minute hug style that most people dance in the milonga. Beto, on the other hand, teaches “salon tango”, which is a bit more of a performance. It’s still danced pretty close—still not like the ballroom dance that we don’t even acknowledge as tango, but a little more open. This allows for different steps and movements. Although I prefer milonguero style, I do enjoy this too.

While my video with Ale was planned in advance and we both got dressed up, this video is simply a dance at the end of last week’s lesson — he comes to my place for the lesson. I thought it might be interesting for you to see the difference, so here you go — enjoy!

6 thoughts on “Dancing with My Other Tango Teacher

  1. Love the shoes. I was giggling watching this as I’d be tripping over my own feet and stepping on his.

    Well done OBO! All your practice is showing!

  2. Every time I see a video of you dancing I am taken by the grace of the tango and also left wondering how you know ahead of time what steps to take – how to move your feet.

    • Well the thing is, Sharon, you don’t know. One of the joys of tango is that it’s not choreographed, and you never know where it will take you. I don’t have to know where to move my feet. I have to learn to follow so that I go where he is inviting me to go. And then I can add my “adornos” (decorations) when I feel they fit. That’s one of the things I’m learning from Ale. Every tanda is an adventure!

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