Someone Else Smitten with Buenos Aires!

A couple of days ago the Travel Section of The Washington Post featured an article on Buenos Aires, written by someone else who is obviously smitten by our beautiful city. I thought I’d share it with you, so here’s the link:

I’m happy to see also that this women didn’t scare readers off by talking about the perceived “dangers” of Buenos Aires. We are constantly amazed at the people who come here thinking they are in danger every time they step outside their hotels. Buenos Aires is a huge city of 15 million people, so obviously there will be crime, just as there is in any other big city. But honestly, it’s no worse than others, and a lot less dangerous than many. I can honestly say in all the years I’ve visited and then lived here, I’ve never felt threatened.

On Saturday I got into casual conversation with a woman who was visiting from Italy. She told me quite seriously that while this part of the city (my neighbourhood) was beautiful, the rest of the city was too dangerous and she wouldn’t go further. i couldn’t believe anyone would spend all that money to come all the way from Italy and not see anything beyond Recoleta. Very sad.

So please, if you are considering coming to Buenos Aires, don’t listen to the fear mongerers. It’s a wonderful city, worth the trip in all ways. Enjoy the article.

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