Got a “wow” for my dancing!

I’m on a bit of a high this morning! Last night was my night to go with my tango teacher to the milonga. Towards the end of our two hours, we were just coming off the floor and he said, “Wow!”

I said, “Wow?”

He said, “Yes, Helen, wow! That was amazing.”

He went on to say I am more and more taking part in the development of the dance instead of simply following, which is a huge step forward for me. Then he sent me a Whatsapp message later to say how proud he is of me. How cool is that?

While we were sitting out one tanda, we were watching the other dancers on the floor, and he was commenting on how few women do the adornos (decorative footwork) I’ve been working on. I asked him if, when he is at the milonga by himself, he would be more interested in dancing with those who do the fancy footwork, and he was quite definite that he would. Maybe that explains why I am getting more and more dances at the Wednesday milonga. And of course, the better I get at it, the more I love it!

The woman who runs the Wednesday milonga has a slogan: Bailar y bailar que la vida se va — dance and dance as long as you live. Good plan!

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