Cocina Paradiso

In yesterday’s post I mentioned I was going to try a little local restaurant for dinner last night, and I did. Another great find!

Similar to the place Venetia and I went, this is very small and unassuming, but it was full within ten minutes of my arrival. They serve their own fresh made pasta, and the sauce seemed very authentic to me — cherry tomatoes and little broccoli florets. I wanted to have the pannacotta for desert, but they didn’t have any, so I had the tiramisu (never thought that would be second choice for me!) It was presented in a dish, which is kind of unusual, but full of lovely creamy mascarpone. So rich I couldn’t eat it all, so tonight I can have a repeat at home after the milonga!

Definitely a good place to drop in any time as it’s just around the corner.

Pasta Maratita — marriage of two pastas

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