Neurographic Art Night

As I mentioned earlier, I’ve become somewhat obsessed with neurographic art, and I decided to introduce some of my friends to it. Last night was neurographic art night at my place, and we were six chicas altogether.

It was so much fun. I explained to them what I knew about it, and then led them through the process step-by-step. Of course the consumption of wine was encouraged, which may have made the end products even better—or maybe just seem better to us!

Here are some shots of the evening, as well as the pieces we produced.

As I’ve been making neurographic pieces like a mad woman this week, I thought I might as well include some photos of those too!

12 thoughts on “Neurographic Art Night

  1. Hi Helen. That looks a really fun night with the chicas and some great art work. Reminds me of a pschedelic dress I had in the ’60s. Janette.

  2. Well, I am envious! You all look as though you are having such fun and the results are good. Some remind me of pebbles under a running river. We’re you all using your new pens?

    • Everyone brought their own black pen for the first stages, and then we all used a mix of my water colours and Sharpies for the colour.

  3. WIsh I could have been there to paint with you. Looks like a lot of fun was had. Helen- what the significance of the red drops on your painting? They almost looked like push pins before I looked more closely.

    • No significance at all, Patti. My sketching guru, Ian Fennelly, often puts splatters on his sketches, and I just did it on a whim.

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