The Concerts Are Back!

I’ve talked before (quite a while ago, I guess!) about the free concerts at the Centro Cultural Kirchner (CCK), which several of us go to regularly. Of course they have been off the program for a couple of years now, since the plague came upon us. Finally, they have started again, and I couldn’t be happier!

Last night Venetia and I went to this “Gala Lirica” from the orchestra and singers of the Teatro Argentino de la Plata, and it was wonderful. Full orchestra, a choir that must have had fifty members, and (I think) eight soloists. If you look at the gallery above the musicians in the photo, you can see the choir. There was no blethering between the songs, and they just flowed immediately from one to the next.

They played and sang all the favourites that people know, even if not always the name. The choir sang two songs — with masks on! I think they should get a medal for that.

And at the end, the maestro told us it was their first performance since the lockdown ended, and that’s why they were so emotional.

Afterwards we went out with our friends Marcia and Cliff to one of their favourite Italian restaurants, Broccolino.  The encores went on so long that we were quite late for our reservation. Fortunately, Marcia was able to call them and let them know, and they held our table for us. I hadn’t been there before, but will definitely go back as the food and atmosphere were lovely.

So happy the CCK concerts are back, and can’t wait to go to the next one.

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