
One thing I’ve wanted to do in Buenos Aires, but didn’t think I’d be able to, is go to a soccer match (or ‘futbol’) to see Boca Juniors at the famous La Bombonera stadium, known by fans as La Cancha. I’m thrilled that I was actually able to go last Monday night.

Daniela is a huge fan of Boca and goes regularly to the game by herself (brave woman!) I asked if I could go with her, and although she was willing there was a little problem. You see, only members can get into the stadium on game night — you can’t just buy a ticket. I think this was originally because of the trouble with opposing supporters, so now there are 70,000 people in the stadium, and all Boca fans!

Screen Shot 2016-03-17 at 10.22.26 AMCecilia found a source of a ticket online and did the deal. Well, it turned out not to be an actual ticket (for the above reason), but somebody’s member card which he was renting to me for the evening! Daniela pays 230 Pesos a month for four games; this cost me 750 Pesos for one game! Not a bad business to be in. Anyway, here is Mr. Zapata’s card, which I used to pass through two turnstiles without a problem. Viva Zapata!

Reaching that point was already an adventure, as the crowd was shoulder-to-shoulder right across the street. Daniela leaned forward and yelled in my ear, “Welcome to La Cancha!” Suddenly a shout went up saying a pregnant woman was coming through with a little boy, and we should let her through — only in Argentina!

Gotta get those banners up no matter what!

Gotta get those banners up no matter what!

Not sure where this guy thought he was going!

Not sure where this guy thought he was going!

I guess the kids see better when they're halfway up the fence!

I guess the kids see better when they’re halfway up the fence!

I’m currently working on the videos to put on a separate page, and I have quite a few I shot at the game, but here are some still shots to give you an idea.

When the Boca players came onto the field the place erupted — shouting and singing and pumping fists. That went on for the whole game, but when Boca scored in extra time to win the game, I can’t even begin to describe the noise and the atmosphere. It’s definitely something I’ll never forget.

DanielaAndMeHere we are — two rowdy fans having a great time!






PaperNewspaper report from next day — and I WAS THERE!!!

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