La Glorieta

This is La Glorieta, where I went dancing last night. Glorieta is the Spanish word for a gazebo which, as you can see, is what it is. It’s a big one, in the middle of a hilly park in the suburb of Belgrano, which fortunately it’s just a ten minute train ride away.

My friend Lina was supposed to go, but she twisted her ankle yesterday, so she couldn’t go. (She was icing it yesterday so that she would be able to dance tonight—you can’t keep a good tanguera down!) Anyway, I was geared up, so I went by myself and I had a great time. I stayed just under an hour-and-a-half and I danced my little heart out. The only tanda I sat out was by choice. It was a vals, which is the tango waltz, and although I love the music and I like watching, I don’t like dancing it myself. Don’t really know why, but there it is.

Anyway, that’s about enough time there, because it’s a terrazza floor and very hard on the feet and knees. Not only that, but last night was unbearably hot and I just about managed to make it to the train so that I could sit down for a rest!

But today’s another day—and another milonga!

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