I’m Glad I Changed My Mind

Last Thursday, after having that great Spanish lunch, I decided a quiet night at home was in order. And I did enjoy just lazing around, reading and doing my knitting! I had no plans for Friday night, and I planned a repeat. However…

Our talented friend Joanna Maddox had a gig at Bar Seddon, a Bar Notable in San Telmo, and after a couple of people asked if I was going, I just went with it! After my writers group Zoom call, I had a quick bite to eat and then took off.

Bar Seddon is typical of the Bares Notables, very old, quite dim and with old style Buenos Aires ambiance—just what I love. And it was great to see Joanna perform from down in the audience, interacting with them. At one point in the video you can see what the place looks like as well as people obviously having a great time.

Joanna never disappoints, and I’m glad I changed my mind! Here’s my mashup from the show.

8 thoughts on “I’m Glad I Changed My Mind

    • Yes, the crowd love her, and she laps it up! Quite right too. If I could sing like that I’d be doing the same thing.

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