Night of the Museums

Last night was the Noches de los Museos here in Buenos Aires. It’s similar to the Nuit Blanche event held in Toronto. I always meant to go to that, but I realized that I’m not really much of a gallery person anyway, so why would I want to do an overnight gallery crawl? The same thing applies here, but I went with Venetia and Dolores to only one gallery, the Museo de Bellas Artes. I’m including a lovely selection of photos taken by Venetia and a couple of my own.

After our one gallery, it was time to eat. I’m sheepishly admitting that going to a parilla was my idea—and I ate a huge steak! I’m carefully monitoring the state of my knees after all this non-vegan eating, but I must get back to behaving myself this week anyway.

I’m going out to lunch today with Venetia, Jayne and Lina to one of our favourite Italian restaurants, La Parolaccia. I’m going to be totally wicked again, starting with the salmon, which is always delicious there. Then this morning I saw on the BBC that the “father of tiramisu” just died, so I feel it incumbent on me to have a piece—just a mark of respect, you understand. Tiramisu is the magic word for me, so this is the perfect excuse!

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