Downtown, Rosedal and San Telmo

I’ve had a lovely weekend and beginning of the week.


On Saturday, I went back to visit the Plaza de Mayo again, as there are other interesting buildings besides the Pink House.

IMG_3121This sketch is of the outside of the Catedral Metropolitana. I don’t actually care much for the outside, as to me it doesn’t look like a church at all, much less a cathedral, but I thought it was worth drawing anyway.



IMG_3095The inside is much more impressive, although like many major Catholic churches I found it to be a bit over the top. This was the “parish church” of the Cardinal Archbishop of Buenos Aires, before he moved to Rome and became Pope Francis!







Naval Building doorEver since the first time I came to Buenos Aires, I’ve been fascinated by the magnificent door of the Naval Building. I’ve wanted to sketch it, but the problem was always finding a place to sit to do it, as it is at a major intersection downtown. I finally got lucky and found the perfect table at a cafe kitty corner from the building, so I had lunch and did the sketch at the same time! I was worried my sketching skills would not do the door justice, and I was correct. But I hope it at least gives an impression of what it looks like.

Once again, I was sitting right in the blazing sun and I was reduced to a greasy spot by the time I was done, but I think it was worth it. And the glass of white wine helped.

The Rosedal

Yesterday afternoon, Sunday, Cecilia took me to the Rosedal, which means rose garden. I had always heard it was lovely, but didn’t pay much attention because frankly I wasn’t really that interested in seeing a rose garden. But it turned out it is much more than that. It is a very large park with beautiful palm trees, which I love, a big lake with paddle boats, swans and geese, some beautiful gazebos where you can sit in the very welcome shade — oh yes, and a rose garden.

It was the last day of summer holidays before the schools go back, so it was quite busy, but lovely nonetheless. Here are some photos.

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 10.35.58 PMScreen Shot 2016-02-29 at 10.36.12 PM

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 10.55.00 PMThis is the sketch I did from inside one of the gazebos, while Cecilia read the paper.

We did go on the paddle boats. If I had known about that, I wouldn’t have worn a short skirt!



San Telmo

This afternoon I visited San Telmo, one of the oldest barrios in the city. It is known for its association with tango as well as all the artists that go there to paint the old buildings and cobblestone streets. To tell the truth, I prefer it at night when the lights are shining on the streets and there is lots of night life.

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 10.58.45 PMI found the Plaza Dorrego and sat at the outdoor cafe having a Campari while I did this sketch.

Once again there was one of these beautiful big trees with the pink blossoms which I love. I also liked the colourful blue umbrellas.

I will go back again one Sunday, when the street market gives it more life.


People have been asking if I’m getting on with my work, and I’m happy to say I am, even though some days it’s tempting just to go out and play in the sunshine. I’m not as far forward with my novel as I had hoped, but I still have more than four weeks to catch up so I still hope to meet my goal of having it ready to go to the editor when I get back to Toronto. Fingers crossed!

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