
Finally, tango is back! Actually, most of the milongas that are operating are open air ones, and I only know of one traditional indoor one that’s open again. That’s because it’s big, and can support a crowd of a third of the usual capacity. You have to make a reservation in advance, but fortunately, they have taken off the restriction of only being able to dance with one person. Of course, you have to wear your mask when dancing, and there are spray bottles of alcohol to use each time you come off the dance floor — a small price to pay!

I went with my friend Susan to one of the open air milongas and it was delightful. It was in one small corner of Plaza Congreso, and I think there were only about 25-30 people there. It was a mixed age crowd, and very informal. My knees can only take dancing on a terrazza floor for a certain time, but we packed a lot of tango into that time!

There are some who say this is too dangerous, and they could be right. But the government has decided to allow the milongas to open as long as they follow the protocols, and so far I feel OK being there. And oh, it feels so-o-o-o good to be dancing tango again!

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