Lovely Couple of Hours in the Jardin Botánico

This was a beautiful day, bright and sunny, warm but not too humid, so I wanted to do some sketching. I haven’t been to the botanical gardens for a while, so I chose that as my destination.

Last time I went there to sketch, all the seats with good things to sketch were in full sun and it was way too hot to work, but today I was much luckier. Mind you, I sat on the wall at the edge of the pool to do the water lilies and I came within an inch of dropping my sketchbook in the water — that would have hurt!

Anyway, here are the two sketches. I’m almost at the end of this sketchbook, so the double page spread ones are difficult to photograph — sorry!

I saw some seats set out in front of the greenhouse, so I stopped to see what was happening. Unfortunately I couldn’t see the performers so I still don’t know, but the music is interesting!

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