Couldn’t Resist!

I can’t believe I haven’t posted since Cecilia’s fiesta! Pure laziness, but I couldn’t resist posting this one.

Yesterday I went out for brunch with Sally and Venetia, and we ended up on the terrace at La Biela. On the weekends there’s usually a couple dancing tango, and they were there yesterday. When the woman came round with the hat, on impulse I asked if I could dance with the guy, and she said yes!

I wasn’t dressed for it at all. My long skirt made it hard to move my legs and I had on my ugly walking sandals, but given all that and the fact that I haven’t danced for months, I think I did all right. I told the guy I was out of practice, but he didn’t make any allowances!

When I came back to my table, the waiter said I danced tango like an Argentine!

Here’s the video Venetia shot ā€” thanks Venetia! I hope you enjoy it.

13 thoughts on “Couldn’t Resist!

  1. Helen
    It was so lovely to see you dancing tango. I know you have sorely missed it. I enjoyed watching you and yes you do dance like an Argentine. What a joy!!
    Thank you for sharing your moments of bliss.

    • Thanks Joanna — especially appreciated coming from a fellow tanguera! Looking forward to Gricel on Friday night and I’m glad you’re coming too!

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