Forgotten Anniversary

Yesterday was an anniversary I hadn’t even thought of. It was Felix’s birthday (no, I didn’t forget that one) and I suddenly remembered that the first time I came to Argentina on holiday was on his birthday in 2014. So, yesterday was the 7th anniversary of that pivotal moment in my life.

By the time I remembered, it was too late to get anyone to meet me for dinner, so I went myself. I went to a rather special (and expensive!) Italian restaurant quite near me, called La Parolaccia, and the meal was fabulous. Here are some photos of it.

La Parolaccia

Fusilli Don Corleone — well named, as I certainly couldn’t refuse it!

For me, the magic word is Tiramisu and I can never resist when I see it on a menu. I’m not kidding when I say this might have been the best I’ve EVER tasted!

















Even though I was alone, I must have looked as if I was celebrating something, as they presented me with a complimentary glass of champagne as soon as I arrived.

I’m glad I remembered this anniversary, a big day in my life. I came for a two-week vacation and never for a moment thought it would change my life and that I’d be making beautiful Buenos Aires my home!


7 thoughts on “Forgotten Anniversary

  1. OMG was it that long ago as I remember that trip well.

    It was meant to be eh? Sounds like a fabulous day to celebrate and what a meal plus bonus champers too. YAY! Who knew where that two-week trip would end you up.

  2. Qué lindo Helen que recordaste ambas acontecimientos!!!
    Y qué comida 🙂 y el vídeo del espumante me encantó
    Un abrazo fuerte y contenta de ser la primera argentina y familia en nuestro país
    Te queremos mucho

  3. Margaret’s birthday was also the 29th (I think at some point we knew their birthdays were the same date), and for some strange reason it came to me that day. Maybe the two of them realized you and I needed some reminder of the significance of the day, in more ways than one!

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